Thursday, October 31, 2013

Greenpoint for the win

Over the weekend, Chico and I moved. Our new neighborhood is incredible, as are our new roommates (although, I haven't seen one of them since Sunday. But, she unpacked my kitchen box while I was out and that equals awesome).

Boyfriend came up on Friday night. Seeing him was incredible, we haven't seen each other in over 2 months and were way over due. We hung out with some of my former buildingmates who, earlier in the day, caught their roommate freebasing meth in the apartment. Boyfriend was horrified but I knew not to expect more of this particular "gentleman."

Sunday morning, the day of the move, I woke to a former roommate puking on the floor of her bedroom and Boyfriend said, "You'll never have to listen to her do that again." And he was right. So far, neither of my new roomies has brought a random guy home in the middle of the night or puked on the floor. It's amazing.

Chico and I are still getting settled in, but I thought I'd share a picture of our backyard green space. It's not very Halloween of me, but we don't really know anyone, so we aren't doing anything for Halloween (I always try to incorporate Chico into my costumes). The only thing I want to do is hand out candy and watch Halloween (the original, not any of that remake crap).

Have a great and creepy day!