Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New things

I've taken some time lately to change up my blogging subscriptions. Many of the blogs I follow, I no longer read. I have just been reading them for years and years and have relationships with the writers of these blogs and couldn't let them go. But, having a reader full of loooong blog posts I don't want to read stresses me out. So, I did the unthinkable (to me anyway) and deleted them out of my reader. People and relationships change over time. And that's ok. I mean, I've changed. I changed so much I started a new blog and left my old one to die.

Today was the first day I've realized how excited I am to open my reader and see posts from my subscriptions. I feel like a baby blogger again, when everything was new and exciting and new posts felt like catching up with friends. It's a great feeling. I'm seeking new blogs that cater to my interests and am interested making new relationships. I love the friendships I've made through blogging and can't wait to make new ones. Here are some of my new favorites:

Silly Grrl
Wonderful, inspirational and positive person and blogger. She's a freelance designer and shares her experience and tips.

A sewing blog that includes way more than just sewing. Her contagious smiles alone are a reason to check her out

Another freelance designer. Except Kathleen and her husband tend to drop everything and travel the world. Fascinating.

Elisabeth is actually a friend of mine from school, but I didn't know she had a blog until the lovely Katrina over at Pugly Pixel (who I've been reading for years but and recently having a renaissance with) featured her. She's an amazing illustrator and has lots of interesting things to say and share.

What are you reading lately?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the mention! And keep me posted on the New York job! Sounds exciting!


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